
Joan Tollifson – Just this

Joan Tollifson lives in Oregon, US and is a writer and lifelong explorer of what is. Her varied background includes Buddhism, Advaita, nontraditional meditative inquiry, radical nonduality, and many other fields. In our conversation we will explore the simplicity of what is. We speak about the commonality between her teachers. That the little me seems to be a mirage. About the projection of spiritual teachers. That sharing the human experience is healing. This is it. Spirituality as life without our concepts about it. That just seeing transforms it. Suffering as resistance and contraction into the small sense of me. That meditation is an open exploration and discovery. Learning how to be comfortable in the moment. The process of letting go in parenting. The koan about identity. Joan ends our conversation by guiding a meditation on exploring just this.

For more information about Joan, please visit www.joantollifson.com

You can also read a transcript of our show with Joan here.